Friday, December 27, 2024

 I am working on combining my experience with mysteries of George Król and Donald Hough. My first taste suggests I should pursue it further. As the first mystery I wrote in 1977 reflects the setting of 1977, I could start with 1967, perhaps a kind of “Young George Król”.

I opened the physics book from 1976, and there was the chapter on vector we skipped back then. Therefore, i began linear algebra devoid of vectors in my knowledge! What do the professors teach? Nearly a half century later, I’m getting a generalized view of what I should have seen.

This morning I was walking to Acme when I thought of having George Król a father who owns a bar. I am thinking of an alternate universe. I don’t understand why I didn’t think of it earlier, although I was moving in that direction over the past 45 years.

Thursday, September 19, 2024

 I spent a good deal of time on Tom Holland deep faked into Back to the Future”. I thought of how I took time and drew a satire of the movie after seeing Mad Magazine and Cracked try a satire. I had taken pictures from a magazine to draw it. So, if I had tried it now, where would I have found the pictures on the internet? Which Spiderman movie would I draw Tom Holland: Homecoming? No Way Home? 

I had a thought as I practiced my speech for Thursday. The professors never explain how to learn their subjects. I was the pioneer in college, so I had no one to give me tips on, say, mathematics. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

 I became aware that after nearly three decades here, I still don’t know the kind of conifers in the backyard. The one at the southern end is an Eastern Pine. I should know some dendrology 

I was taking down the last of the laundry when it occurred to me that my deference to authority had spilled over to everyone else. It took a long time to begin critical thinking with the deference as lingering.

Before the news, I was checking out the outline I have for Box-Jenkins when I considered my struggles in the MBA program. In the current case, I see I didn’t have the background. While it was obvious in the course for management information, I never thought it had been the case for the other three. I later had so much trouble, I probably didn’t have the time the last semester with the rush and the two courses I had to take. Now that I have the time, I find out what I missed.

Saturday, June 22, 2024

 I started another linear algebra, this time with Trevor Bazett. He explained vector spaces in a way I never heard. Now I understand how addition and multiplication of vectors lead to vector spaces. These videos easily teach math without proofs and other dross. I should had abandoned my method long before I gave up on linear algebra in February 1977!

Thursday, June 6, 2024


I started another linear algebra, this time with Trevor Bazett. He explained vector spaces in a way I never heard. Now I understand how addition and multiplication of vectors lead to vector spaces. These videos easily teach math without proofs and other dross. I should had abandoned my method long before I gave up on linear algebra in February 1977!

I went along another linear algebra course, which actually shows what the matrices are doing with the vectors. That course in 1977 looks completely different in its abstraction. There were no visual examples in that course, and the technology is no excuse. A mere board provides enough examples without an internet nor even a computer. Haydn Maust of Mu Prime proved it, yet the course was a quarter century before he was born.

Saturday, May 25, 2024

 Math Sourcer says that work hard to grow, especially math. Advanced for lower grades but have fewer classes to concentrate better on what one’s taking – Fall 1976! Sometimes don’t get the results – Spring 1977!

Last night I was studying zoology, and it occurred to me that I learned biology in high school on memorization. Therefore, I used the same method as the failure in advanced mathematics. I wanted to see the concepts rather than know the words.I am seriously thinking of adding my observations from the zoology book. I want to return to 1980 and correct my method at the time.

Once again, I was in the Zoölogy course again with flashback of Sister John Ann. I don’t recall any of the concepts and definitions in that course or in the earlier botany course at Penn State. I feel Doctor William Reynolds cheated me.

Monday, April 29, 2024

 Sun 25 Feb 24 20:59

I read a chapter in my neglected book on botany. It was on seed plants, which brough memories of Sister John Ann and Doctor William Reynolds. One made biology harder, the other too easy. I suppose I could consider they canceled each other, but most importantly what I should do to handle the subject. I’m projecting seven weeks in advance.

Tue 27 Feb 24 20:33

On Sunday, I remembered the two times certain stories played in my head in 1971 and 1967. I realized that the original story in the summer of 1977 came from previous contemplations. The story of being trapped in a cave in 1989 reflected what I had originally conceived in 1971. So, I’m thinking about reifying the story from 1967.

Fri 19 Apr 24 13:04

Math Sourcer says that work hard to grow, especially math. Advanced for lower grades but have fewer classes to concentrate better on what one’s taking – Fall 1976! Sometimes don’t get the results – Spring 1977!

Tuesday, January 16, 2024

 There’s Dr AhMath on You Tube who just made me realize that the dot product multiplication takes each vector and multiplies it in each dimension is a scalar to the vector that serves as a multiplicand to a multiplier for the product vector.

I was looking at the video scene from “Homecoming” from where Ironman takes Spiderman’s suit. I noticed that the sun had Tom Holland’s Peter Parker in the shade while Robert Downey Junior’s Tony Stark faced the sun. The symbolism struck me as subtile for Spiderman faced a sunset, but would recover. It also brought back the thought of how I lacked such a figure that I never learned to manage. It proved to be a factor in my lack of success! I tiptoed that issue today when a Mensan asked us for our perception of the MBA!