I want to find the cross between the enthusiasm and the study. I want to get into the zone. How can I control when it comes.
The Spiderman “No Way Home” has my mind rolling as “Back to the Future” did in 1985. How could there be multiunverses? How could a spell allow others from other universes How could a spell make everyone forget someone’s identity?
Given that I have a session on Thursday, So I’ve been thinking of what I was doing at various times and what I know now. 1976 should have warned me by this time that I was rudderless. Then I started the year with overload, which dropped the excess before September ended. The following winter term was really an illusion.
I had another revelation of the link between calculus and linear algebra. Of course, the intersection of this multivariable calculus relates to linear algebra.
An unexpected impact of the “No Way Home” has been existential nausea. After over two years of the lack of a steady job, I have lost my purpose , even for severe underemployment.
I came back to You Tube and found mu prime. Haydn Maust impresses me with his knowledge and youth. He outexplains my professors. Again I went back to the valuable vector calculus.