Saturday, November 21, 2020

 Overall I now can write about my experience with Power MBA, which will run to July to finish. Much of it reminds me of the program at Penn State, but much updated from 1984. It explores a dimension that didn’t exist with computers.

There were the old standards, such as which business to be in, strategy, and tactics. Ecommerce integrates the standards, and there’re always guests with their examples of their own businesses and how they built them. Another aspect was market size and on how to segment the market. There are quizzes after each unit to emphasize the concepts. I found it helpful to note all the questions and answers, especially the ones I had wrong. Sometimes – like tests at Block – have more value when taken aside to study.
Business Model Analysis included until economics and engines of growth. It brought back the former program and its numerizable concepts. Does any MBA really think that everything can be explained in numbers? Then platforms brought it into this century. A study of platforms led to assessment and more examples.
The next unit explored segmentation and its significance. The last on is value propositions, which should be complete this week, and with it the close of the second module of the ten.

Friday, November 6, 2020


Wed 4 Nov 20  21:05

I just finished another segment of the Power MBA. I may be three fifths done. I just haven’t begun to go over the courses. I didn’t find the Accounts Receivable certification particularly new. Tomorrow I will try to summarize the various projects I’m on, and what I’m learning on the internet dairy. I should continue with academic subjects.


Thu 5 Nov 20  21:27

I was watching the Stuff Bread on Mystery Science Theater 3000 when I thought of the extra effort to get ahead, but I don’t know how. Power MNA now moves into the fourth of five units. Block has barriers on the extra course. One ends in the second unit and the other won’t let me back in, forcing me to take the test blindly.